Thursday, August 9, 2012

PLU - lifestyle mereka di bulan puasa

As I mention in previous post, I have a boyfriend. I was a fucking loyal boyfriend for many years, before..without I know what exactly happened, I have become type of person yang ada boyfriend tapi tetap lah nak makan luar.Sigh.

Well, enough about that. I'm not gonna talk about it deeper in this post.

What across my mind now is how PLU out there living their life in Ramadhan.

Lets start with me. Well, my boyfriend and I are not religious type of person. Cukup la sekadar ala kadar. Even myself is worst than my boyfriend. At least nowadays, my boyfriend has stopped drinking, but myself... I still drink whenever I have the opportunity, or when the time is right. My boyfriend is also has started far I notice tak pernah tinggal lagi, of which is good.

My boyfriend even become more religious when Ramadhan comes. Believe me, bulan puasa we never had sex. He wants to respect the holy month by refraining himself from having sex. How I feel about it? well, I respect his stand. Tapi whenever I'm in need, I just pick up my mobile look for anyone that is available. But of coz, without his knowledge.

Myself? beside from fasting, for me in Ramadhan business is as usual. I masih tak sembahyang, sembahyang terawih tidak, once in a while I had sex with my so call regular sex buddy, get drink and had wild sex (ok, not that wild...but in comparison to my boyfriend, it is wild).

I cant help but wonders...if my boyfriend can refrain himself from having sex with me for one month...why not he just continue? work bit harder and depress the feeling. Live a life as a good muslim....

How about other PLU? One  thing that I know, most of is business as usual in Ramadhan. Sex with complete stranger happen like usual, browsing PR like usual, grinding the Grindr like usual...Some even worst...tak puasa langsung. Completely no respect at all.

Where am I heading actually with this entry? No where..just a random thought while waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up, and I can wait to melancap alone tonight. Oh, we are not staying together, although our house is quite near to each other.

1 comment:

  1. hurm.. bersabar.. cuba slow slow ek.. paling utama try stop minum ek.. x perlu drastic kalo x mampu.. selamat meneruskan ibadah puasa.. semoga dipermudahkan ek kawan~ #senyum
