Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ada je yg tak kena dengan hidup.

Sentiasa tak akan berpuas hati dengan apa yg dimiliki.

I shoud be contented with my life. But it just freaking hard to acknowledge tht I am just another average guy....

I sincerely have no idea what I wanna do with my life.

For the past few years, my life seems guided by the objective of finishing my master.Nw, it has been like almost a year I completed my master...I'm kinda lost. I have tried several thing to penuhkan kehidupan...but everything seems hangat-hangat tahi ayam... didn't goes as well as I planed. My target to be a manager within 3 years time.But here I am..only reach as senior exec.Sigh.Even someone who join the company few months later me has already promoted to manager.But then again,kita patut bersyukur...few of the exec in my department still an exec even they are more senior than me, and one of them actually came in same date with me.

Manusia tak pernah bersyukur kan? How I wish things would be much easier...

May it's about time for me to think something big as an objective in life.Something like kahwin?Sigh.

On different notes, I think I just making my life complicated.I shouldn't think too much...

Psycho me.
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1 comment:

  1. cuba teruskan selagi bole.. unsless kalo dah xleh sgt.. try benda baru..
